Thursday, February 21, 2013

Analog Proposal

I believe I want to go with the digital-analog-digital process. I'm going to incorporate it into my astronaut project. It'll change it up stylewise a little bit, but we'll just call it progression.

So the astronaut will be dragged to the dark side of the moon. That is where things might get a little trippy. I have been doing some paintings that have a space-nebula feel to them:

I would like to use this process for the environment of the dark side of the moon. So I'll have him do some stuff on the dark side and he'll figure out how to get back on the light side. Ill animate it like he is on the light side, then I'll print it out and paint it, and then when I scan it back in I'll invert it tomake it appear like nighttime. Here are some color comparisons for when theyre inverted:

So as long as i use a full range of colors ill get a full range back, unless i want to limit my palette which is usually a good idea...

This inter-dimensional dark side of the moon may be where he meets another character. I didn't think I was going to add him at first but now that I want to complete this project as a proper animated short film I'm going to add him and expand the story a little bit.


The first comic was a product of MCA's 24-hour comic-athon. And the 2nd one was for Rozelle's Project Sketchbook which I worked with my friend Josh McLane and made a book of single panel pieces staring Astronaut and Duck.

However, it wasn't until working on this project that I figured out where Duck came from. Now I know that he's an inter-dimensional space duck. Duck can talk, even in the vacuum of space. He admires Astronauts' determination so he helps him out when he can.

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