"Astronaut and Duck"
This story is about an Astronaut.
The Astronaut wants to investigate and discover the source of a signal from the moon.
Improper funding and technological hinderances prevent the Astronauts task from beings easily executed.
The Astronaut not only needs to find the source of the signal but he needs a win for himself. This discovery will also reestablish the necessity for future funding of the NASA program.
Inferior equipment prevents him from swiftly completing his task, then it causes him to tumble into his lunar lander and it starts to roll away from him. Then a duck appears which briefly halts his progress. When the duck helps him to return to his drill he sees that its results were inconclusive. The duck then appears to want to communicate with him, this is a trying task. Then he has to leave the moon and the duck, this proves emotionally difficult.
Our Astronauts faulty equipment and an inherent inelegance are the Astronauts first interruptions from his mission.
Our first turning point is during a big tumble when the Astronaut happens upon a duck on the moon.
The two then have to get the lunar lander and themselves back from the dark side of the moon.
Once back from the dark side the Astronaut then has to figure out what the duck is trying to tell him pertaining to his drill/mission.
Having found the goal of the mission, the Astronaut is hesitant to leave the duck out on the moon.